Extend applications with Web services support Developer provides the tools you need to discover, create, build, test, deploy and publish Web services.
#Rational application developer versions code
The Visual Editor for Java also allows you to see GUI design changes immediately with dynamic updates between source code and visual design. The Visual Editor for Java provides a palette to help you easily create GUIs by dragging and dropping the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) or by using Swing components.
#Rational application developer versions archive
In addition, WebSphere Studio Application Developer provides development teams with a common view across projects and enables them to share resources stored in a common repository To help build dynamic e-business applications, WebSphere Studio Application Developer software offers an integrated development environment (IDE) with advanced tools and features, including: J2EE support Provides concurrent support for J2EE, Version 1.2 and Version 1.3 projects features full Enterprise JavaBeans ( EJB, Version 2.0 support, including message-driven beans, EJB Query Language (EJB QL), Container-Managed Persistence (CMP), Version 2.0, Web archive (WAR) and enterprise archive (EAR) deployment support, simplified J2EE project structure includes unit test environment for multiple configurations of IBM WebSphere Application Server to support projects with different unit test environments Extend Java technology-based programming capabilities Developer gives professional developers robust Java technology application tools with Java Development Kit, Version 1.4 support. As a result, you work within a common, unified user interface that can help increase productivity and reduce the time needed to learn new functions and practices. 1Ģ Built on Eclipse, an open, industrysupported platform for development tools, Developer enables you to easily add a wide range of IBM, IBM Business Partner and Eclipse-based plug-in tools to create a seamless development environment customized to your role and development objectives. IBM Developer includes J2EE tools to help create and customize session and entity EJB components.

Developer speeds application development with best practices, visual tools, templates, code generation, and one of the most comprehensive development environments in its class. Award-winning IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer is an open, comprehensive development environment that provides a flexible, portal-like integration of application development tools for visually constructing, coding, testing and deploying Web services and Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE ) applications.

To meet these demands, you need a development environment that increases productivity, minimizes your learning curve and shortens the development and test cycle so you can deliver highquality applications quickly.

1 Quickly build, test and deploy high-performance Web services and J2EE applications to support e-business on demand IBM Developer, Version Highlights Deliver high-quality applications quickly Today s business environment demands Accelerate the development of Web services and J2EE applications with visual tools, templates and wizards Extend development functions with a wide range of IBM, IBM Business Partner and Eclipsebased plug-in tools Integrate your business applications with interoperable Web services Streamline application testing and helps increase productivity with unit test environments, visual debugger and performance and profiling tools Visualize and graphically edit code through the UML Visual Editor for Java and EJB Collaborate to improve team productivity through built-in version control speed and flexibility to respond to rapidly changing requirements.